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All posts tagged "vacation"

  • Entertainment
    5 Reasons You Should Visit The Dominican Republic

    With its pristine beaches and lively residents, it’s no coincidence the Dominican Republic is a popular vacation...

  • Travel
    5 Adventurous Activities To Do On Your Next Vacation

    We travel to let go of routine, to escape our comfort zones and to experience the joy of serenity. Whether you’ve planned a thrill-seeking vacation, or a calm getaway, chances are distancing yourself from your usual surroundings has sparked your interest for new and exciting experiences. Before you depart, consider these adventurous...

  • Entertainment
    Three Romantic Things To Do On Your Next Vacation

    Whether you’re traveling to say Venezuela or any other part of Latin America, chances are you’re traveling with your significant other. If you are, there are a few things you can do together to make your getaway an immensely romantic one. Go for a walk on the beach. It may seem simple,...

  • Entertainment
    Five Tips On Saving For A Trip

    There is no greater motivator than necessity, and while this is true with serious matters, like paying the bills, it’s also true for other, more leisurely things, like planning a vacation. If you’re hoping to go on vacation soon, there are a few steps you can take to assure that you save...

  • Entertainment
    Five Ways To Relax Before Your Vacation

    It’s easy to get caught up in planning a vacation and forget all about enjoying the moment. It’s as important to enjoy your vacation as it is to enjoy the days leading up to it. It’s in those days that you’ll be able to unwind and prepare for what will likely be...

  • Fashion
    Curvy Ladies, Checkout These Swimsuit Bargains

    Sad to report that summer is almost coming to an end however now is the time to...

  • Entertainment
    Traveling On A Budget

    Traveling is a great way to distance yourself from the everyday chaos. It allows for retrospection. As a result, you end up knowing yourself a little better. While the getaway itself may be just what you need, the planning required may be an entirely different story. To make the most of your...

  • Entertainment
    Three Amazing Beaches In Latin America

    Whether you’re traveling because you’re stressed or simply because a little time away is always welcomed, adding pristine beaches to your itinerary is a sure way to create a memorable vacation. Aside from it’s captivating destinations and outstanding landmarks, Latin America has some of the most beautiful beaches. Here are just three...

  • Entertainment
    Five Common Travel Mistakes We All Make

    Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or an extended vacation, nothing has the power to ruin an otherwise perfect escape like any of these preventable mistakes: Overpacking – The bigger the luggage, the greater the chance you’ll pack things you don’t really need. Take what you need, and leave behind what you...

  • Entertainment
    When Things Go Wrong On Vacation And On How To Cope

    There’s nothing quite like an unforeseen travel mishap to dampen the mood while you’re on vacation. Before you go losing your temper, and ruining what might otherwise be an excellent getaway, read these tips: Plan ahead. Always put a spare outfit or two in your carry-on. This way if your luggage gets...

  • Entertainment
    Why You Should Plan A Trip To Las Vegas

    Las Vegas is known for its liveliness. With an array of street performers, club promoters and artists all around, it’s difficult to leave the city without at some point feeling its zest. Las Vegas is a great location for celebrations. Don’t just think bachelors or bachelorette parties; there are other reasons to...

  • Entrepreneurship
    10 Things To Do While In London

    By: Geraldine Estevez for LatinTRENDS.com   London, like many other destinations, is rich in culture. With its vibrant residents and thrilling attractions, deciding what to do while visiting can be challenging. We’ve narrowed it down for you. These are 10 things we think you should do while in London:   1. Visit...

  • Movimiento
    MOVIMIENTO: ¡Vamos de campamento!

    El verano trae consigo múltiples actividades que pueden desarrollar todos los amantes de los deportes extremos.

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