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All posts tagged "titoelbambino"

  • Entertainment
    The Puerto Rican Day Parade

    The Puerto Rican Day parade drew out millions who proceeded along Fifth Avenue from 44th Street to 79th Street. Puerto Rican leaders in New York started the yearly tradition 56 years ago which attracts more than 80,000 marchers. Famous Puerto Rican artists were on hand to celebrate in the festivities. Daddy Yankee,...

  • Entertainment
    Tito ‘El Bambino’ Claims Receiving Death Threats on Twitter

    Puerto Rican singer Tito “El Bambino” was accused of assaulting 16-year-old Jean Carlos Fernandez last weekend. The incident occurred at 2am in Puerto Rico as Tito was leaving a restaurant and the child and a few friends came to greet the singer. After an argument ensued “El Bambino” and his bodyguard supposedly...

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